The Fully Decentralized Stack (FDS) is a new way to build full-stack applications.

It uses Arweave for long-term storage, AO for processes (smart contract logic), and ArFleet for temporary storage. In this guide we will build a simple text uploading app, slowly utilizing each piece of the stack and adding to our application.


You will need to have installed:

We also recommend using a browser such as Google Chrome, as it works best with most of the applications and wallets built for Arweave.

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Not financial or investment advice. Follow any laws or regulations in your country regarding purchasing tokens. US persons are not eligible to earn $AO from bridged assets or trade $AR tokens.


Creating your first smart contract


Smart contracts on AO are called processes, and are written in a simple scripting language called Lua.

We’re going to create a simple smart contract which takes some text in as input, and transform it into ✨dumtext✨ (in other words, we’re going to add some emojis to it, and mess with it a bit).

We will create, write, and deploy our process using BetterIDEa, a web IDE for AO.

Head to and login with your ArConnect wallet. Click create a new project, and select regular .lua as the file type. You can ignore the More Options tab.

Once you create your project, you’ll see in the bottom right-hand corner your AO process ID.

Congratulations, you just created a new process on AO!

Defining the logic